Red Light Therapy AKA Photobiomodulation

Red Light Therapy is also known as photobiomodulation. This is therapy that applies red light to an area which in turns brings energy by activating “c cytochrome oxidase”. When this activation occurs, ATP is increased and energy transfer in the cell is allowed to proceed at a more optimal rate.

All this comes together to increase energy, reduce inflammation, lower pain, and give a better overall quality of life.

red light therapy

What Does The Science Say About Red Light Therapy?

The science behind red light therapy is solid. This article is a small sampling of the science backing photobiomodulation. We could literally spend 1000’s of hours presenting the evidence to support the claims made, and we plan on doing this.

Make sure you stay tuned to our blog as we go through the literature and present our findings. We have already shown that it can increase hair growth. Along with increasing fertility in both men and women!

What Do Our Customers Say?

We started offering red light therapy devices because we knew how well it works, and how much of a difference we could make in peoples lives. Even knowing this, the feedback and reviews we have received have been incredible. It is such a great feeling to know we are able to be a part of helping someone so much.

One customer wrote us to say that she had trouble going up and down her stairs for years. Because she purchased one of our red light therapy devices and started using it, going up and down the stairs was so much easier.

Here are reviews collected by a third party service we use that verifies they are paying customers:

This light is amazing! It is a life savior for feeling more refreshed and having more energy

– Samantha W. – Review Of MBL11

. I’ve had the light for about 3 weeks. I have been using it every other day. I feel an improvement in pain in hips and legs.

– Amy R. -Review of LGS11

The LGS11 was purchased as a gift for a friend to try on her son for skin and other issues. She’s absolutely delighted with the results. She mentioned that she got terrific results on skin boils which had been plaguing him for a long time, also unexpected results with a dandruff issue and migraines, as well.

– Patricia A. – Review of LGS11

Haven’t used this item very much but it did help a friend who had back pain.

– Sally M. – Review of LGS8

Love the healing power of the light

– Theresa Q. – Review of LGS11

In Conclusion

Photobiomodulation is well researched, has been shown to be very safe. It is easy to apply. And the benefits can be down right incredible. In a very short time you can give yourself a therapeutic dose of red light therapy and be on your way.

From that occasional pain, or that random trouble area. Light therapy can bring the much needed energy back to that area so you can feel good again. This is a wonderful tool to have in your metabolic toolbox that will deliver energy to your life!

>>> Be sure to check out our red light therapy devices by clicking here! <<<

1 thought on “Red Light Therapy AKA Photobiomodulation”

  1. I would like to know if red light therapy can affect individuals with pacemakers and ICD devices. As per Boston Scientific, they seem to have no problem. However, the really have never tested photomodulation and there type of devices. What information can you provide me in regards to this?

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