Is a female limited to a certain amount of eggs? Is there a biological clock that is ticking and once it runs out the baby making days are over? NO WAY! She is only limited by her metabolism.
Red light therapy can increase the metabolism making her more fertile and more likely to have a baby.
What Does The Science Say?
From the studies posted below it shows that the female egg has several hundred more times of mitochondria then any other part of the body. When the mitochondrial function declines, the quality of eggs drop, and infertility sets in. However, the study found applying red light therapy to the neck area for a quick treatment of 15 seconds, yes, 15 seconds, Increased fertility 21+% in the women it was tested on.
This was done on average for about 21 sessions. These were women who were considered to be “severe infertile patients”. Yet, their fertility improved and some were able to have babies!
“Until recently Western reproductive medicine has maintained that aging and declining egg quality is an irreversible process. However, research with LLLT being done in Denmark and Japan is showing that it may be possible to improve egg quality, slow down the aging process, and significantly improve fertility in women and men”
Similarly, Japanese studies have shown a connection between improved fertility and low level laser therapy concluding that LLLT can help improve the woman’s chances of conception. Under the direction of Dr Toshio Ohshiro at Sanno Hospital, an extended trial on LLLT was performed in 701 severe infertile patients, 156 (22.3%) of whom became pregnant. This resulted in a successful live birth rate in over half (50.1%) of those pregnancies..
It appears that LLLT (red light) displaces nitric oxide (the biomarker of oxidative stress that blocks oxygen from being absorbed by cells) which allows more oxygen to saturate cells. Laser therapy also allows more ATP (cellular energy) to be produced by the mitochondria of the cells and improves blood circulation, and regulates inflammation. These factors are all beneficial to female reproduction in general.
“…Studies show that the mitochondria of older eggs are not so good at producing ATP. However, the rate of division and successful implantation of embryos has more to do with how much energy (ATP) than with maternal age per se. Similarly, it is known that older follicles have fewer defenses against cellular damage caused by oxidative stress, and that this is related to poorer IVF outcomes. “All our cells are powered by little structures called mitochondria. Eggs have about 200 times more mitochondria than any other cell. When eggs are developing, they use a tremendous amount of energy. After 35 years the mitochondria wear down. At age 40, nine out of 10 eggs are abnormal.” Says Brown. ”What is exciting about these studies is that they suggest that LLLT actually goes to the root cause of ovarian decline and improves mitochondrial function and ATP (energy) production which is necessary for aging ovaries.”
Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3944482
Ref: https://www.prweb.com/releases/vancouver_integrative_fertility_clinic_pioneers_laser_acupuncture_treatment_for_fertility/prweb16229839.htm
Bun In The Oven
In conclusion, if you are planning on having a baby, or having trouble conceiving. Then red light therapy will increase your odds and also increase your life energy so you can make more robust and healthy offspring.
Red light therapy can also increase fertility in men too. As it has been shown to increase Testosterone levels and also improve sperm motility. So before you put that bun in the oven, hang out under the red lights and get those mitochondria charged up and ready for life!