The Research Behind Red and Infrared Light Therapy

The therapeutic effects of red and infrared light therapy are well documented in the scientific community. Treatment with infrared and red light is called photobiomodulation . These treatments can be carried out with light emitting diodes also known as LED’s.

Using photobiomodulation, an area is treated with light. This light improves the biological functions by increasing ATP which then supplies the cells with much needed energy.

The Science

There are thousands of research papers showing the benefits of photobiomodulation. Below is a list of studies carried out on humans for various conditions. Although not an exhaustive list.

It is a great start in recognizing the healing power and results that are attainable from the use of photobiomodulation. If science is not your thing, check out the personal reviews that we feel speak for themselves.

Achilles TendinitisLow Back Pain
Age-related Macular DegenerationMeniscal Pathology
Alzheimer’sMuscle Gain
Aphthous UlcersMuscle Pain
Bell’s PalsyNeck Pain
Body ContouringNeuropathic Foot Ulcer
Bone Fractures (hand/wrist)Nipple Pain
Burn ScarsOral mucositis
Burning Mouth SyndromeOrthodontic Pain
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeOrthodontic Tooth Movement
Chronic Joint DisordersOsteoarthritis
Cognitive PerformancePeriodontitis
COPDPostherpetic Neuralgia
DementiaPressure Ulcer
Dental Implant StabilityRadiation Dermatitis
Dentin HypersensitivityRaynaud’s Phenomenon
Diabetic Foot UlcerRheumatoid Arthritis
Dry MouthShoulder tendinopathy
DysmenorrheaSkin Aging
Erythema (UV-induced)Sternotomy Healing
Exercise PerformanceStroke
FibromyalgiaTemporomandibular Disorders
Frozen ShoulderTennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Hair Loss (Alopecia)Traumatic Brain Injury
Hand-Foot-And-Mouth DiseaseTrigeminal Neuralgia
HypothyroidismVenous Leg Ulcer
Labial HerpesVitiligo
Lichen PlanusWound Healing

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